Binaural Beats & Brainwave Entrancement

Brainwave Entrancement is trickery of the mind by using two pitches of frequency on the two channels of headphones to emulate the sense of a third lower, sub-40hz frequency as the differential between the previous two. In theory this should cause the listener to sync with the frequency differential and “entrance” portions of their bio-computer to it. This effect was discovered in 1839 by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove. Gerald Oster, published “Auditory Beats in the Brain” in a 1973 issue of Scientific America. Robert Monroe later began experimenting with this method, founding the Monroe Institute in 1978. The first Hemi-sync audio was released in 1975. It is also of interest to note that lightwaves may also be a source of entrancement as in the case of the Dreammachine, Led goggles, or other stroboscopic applications.

Frequency range Name Usually associated with:
>40 Hz Gamma waves Higher mental activity, including perception, problem solving, fear, and consciousness
13–40 Hz Beta waves Active, busy or anxious thinking and active concentration, arousal, cognition
7–13 Hz Alpha waves Relaxation (while awake), pre-sleep and pre-wake drowsiness
4–7 Hz Theta waves Dreams, deep meditation, REM sleep
< 4 Hz Delta waves Deep dreamless sleep, loss of body awareness

(The precise boundaries between ranges vary among definitions, and there is no universally accepted standard।)

Useful Links:

Brainwave Generator
Cool edit pro Features a plug-in for making Binaural Beats by processing stereo audio clip’s pitch.
Video of Robert Monroe
Frequency=Quantumleaps Binaural Beat series
List of cymatic frequencies and their purposes.

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